1. Hail, Sweet Babe, so pure and holy!
Hail, fair Son of Mary's blest!
Royal Infant in a manger,
Thou art gently laid to rest
Thou art gently laid to rest.
2. Filled with awe and tender rapture,
Tears of joy Thy mother weeps,
Through the night Thy foster father
By Thee faithful vigil keeps
By Thee faithful vigil keeps.
3. Hovering o'er the hallowed stable
Choirs of Angels carols sing,
Glory, glory in the highest,
Hail to Thee, O Christ our King!
Hail to Thee, O Christ our King!
4. Shepherds, leave your flocks, and hasten
To adore, on bended knee;
Wrapped in swaddling clothes your Saviour
Israel's Shepherd, ye shall see.
Israel's Shepherd, ye shall see.
5. Children, year by year with gladness
Keep Christ's birthday feast anew,
Sing His praise with loving voices,
Who was born a Babe for you.
Who was born a Babe for you.
6. Hail, sweet Baby, Child of Mary,
Hail, King David's Royal Son,
Singing carols round Thy cradle,
We adore Thee, Holy One.
We adore Thee, Holy One.