1. Hearts at Christmas time were jolly:
For a day
Fled away
All our gloom and folly.
Hear, O hear, the message sung us
In the air
Christ has come among us.
2. Come to bring a better morrow,
Preach God's Realm
And o'erwhelm
Selfishness and sorrow.
Men's devices spin to zero;
He attains,
His plan reigns:
Prophet he and hero.
3. For thy sake, then, single hearted,
Let us use
That good news
By thy life imparted.
Never shall our wills oppose thee;
Noble flower,
Seed of power,
Hearts of men enclose thee.
4. Art and science circle o'er thee,
Counsel, might,
Left and right;
Wisdom rides before thee.
Plans and pleas of men are hollow:
Son of God,
At thy nod
We will up and follow.