Blessyd Stephan we the praye
Pro nobis preres funde
I shall you tell this ylke nyght
Of saynt Stephan goddes knyght
He tolde the Jewes that it was ryght
That Cryst was borne of a mayde
Blessyd Stephan. etc.
Then sayd the Jewes w grete scorne
That goddes sone myght not be borne
Stephan sayd ye be forlorne
And all that byleueth on that lay
Blessyd Stephan. etc.
This Stephen whan he was most ofyte
In Crystes lawe illumynate
The Jewes hym toke with grete dyspyte
Without the towne to lapidate
Blessyd Stephan. etc.
The cursyd Jewes at the last
Stones at Stephan they gan cast
They bette hym and bounde hym fast
And made his body in foule aray
Blessyd Stephan. etc.