1. Read the times with keen discerning,
Oh ye servants of the Lord;
See the signs of Christ's returning,
As He promised in His word.
If He should come to-night,
If He should come to-night,
Would He find us watching,
Waiting with our lamps all trimmed and bright?
If He should come to-night,
If He should come to-night,
Would He find us watching,
Waiting with our lamps all trimmed and bright?
2. Note the earth already quaking
'Neath our King's oncoming tread;
Soon His voice the silence breaking
Shall awake the sleeping dead. [Chorus].
3. Suddenly and without warning
He shall in the clouds appear,
And the great millennial morning
Of His pow'r is almost here. [Chorus].
Author's Note: Melody in 1st Alto.