To blys God bryng us al and sum,
Christe, redemptor omnium.
In Bedlem, that fayer cyte
Was born a chyld that was so fre,
Lord and prince of hey degre,
Jam lucis orto sidere.
Jhesu, for the lowe of the,
Chylder were slayn grett plentee
In Bedlem that fayer cyte,
A solis ortus cardine.
As the sune schynyth in the glas,
So Jhesu of hys moder borne was;
Hym to serve God gyffe us grace,
O lux beata Trinitas.
Now is he oure Lord Jhesus:
Thus hath he veryly vysyt us;
Now to mak mery among us,
Exultet celum laudibus.