1. In Bethlehem, the lowly,
A Child for us is born,
The Son of God incarnate,
This happy Christmas morn,
Aye, aye, Aye, aye,
This happy Christmas morn.
2. And while in awe I ponder
The mystery divine,
My heart is lost in wonder
That Christ is also mine.
Aye, aye, Aye, aye,
That Christ is also mine.
3. O dearest Child, how can I
Repay Thy wondrous love
In which Thou comest to save me
From Thy great throne above ?
Aye, aye, Aye, aye,
From Thy great throne above.
4. My life, my all, I bring Thee;
Oh, grant me, I implore,
Thy grace to serve and love Thee
Now and forevermore.
Aye, aye, Aye, aye,
Now and forevermore.