1. In dulci iubilo,
Now sing we all i-o
He, my love, my wonder,
Li'th in presepio,
Like any sunbeam, yonder
Matris in gremio,
Alpha es et O, Alpha es et O!
2. O Jesu parvule
I yearn for thee alway:
Listen to my ditty,
O puer optime
Have pity on me, pity;
O princeps gloriae.
Trahe me post te, Trahe me post te!
3. O Patris caritas!
O Nati lenitas!
All with us was over,
Per nostra crimina:
But then thou didst recover
Coelorum gaudia
O that we were there!
4. Ubi sunt gaudia
If that they be not there?
Angels there are singing,
Nova cantica,
Sweet bells the while a-ringing
In regis curia.
O that we were there.