Synge Dyllum dyllum dyllum dyllum
I can tell you and I wyll
Of my ladyes water myll
It was a mayde of brente nars
She rode to myll vpon a horse
Yet was the mayden neuer the worse
Synge dyllum. etc.
Layde she was vpon a sacke
Stryke softe she sayd hurt not my backe
And spare not let the myll clacke
Synge dyllum. etc.
I wys the myller was full nyce
His mylstones hanged both by a vyce
And wolde be walkynge at a tryce
Synge dyllum. etc.
This mayd to myll ofte dyd resorte
And of her game made no reporte
But to her it was full great conforte
Synge dyllum. etc.