Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, Jesu,
Save us all through thy virtue.
1. Jesu, as Thou art our Saviour
That Thou save us fro dolour!
Jesu is mine paramour.
Blessed be Thy name, Jesu.
2. Jesu was born of a may,
Upon Christemas Day,
She was may beforn and ay,
Blessed be Thy name, Jesu.
3. Three kinges comen fro Segent,
To Jesu Christ they brought present,
Lord God Omnipotent,
Save us all through Thy virtue.
4. Jesu died and shed His blood
For all mankind upon the Rood;
He grant us grace of happes good,
I beseech Thee, sweet Jesu.
5. Jesu, for Thy mother's sake,
Keep us fro the fiendes black;
Against Him that we may wake;
And save us all through Thy virtue.