1. Let sighing cease and woe,
God from on high hath heard;
Heav'n's gate is opening wide, and lot
The long-expected Word,
Peace-through the deep of night
The heavenly quire breaks forth,
Singing with festal songs and bright
Our God and Saviour's birth.
2. The cave of Bethlehem
Those wakeful shepherds seek;
Let us, too, rise and greet with them
That Infant pure and meek.
We enter-at the door
What marvel meets the eye?
A crib, a mother pale and poor,
A child of poverty.
3. Art thou the eternal Son,
The eternal Father's ray?
Whose little hand, thou Infant one,
Doth lift the world alway?
Yea-faith through that dim cloud
Like lightning darts before,
And greets thee, at whose footstool bow'd
Heav'n's trembling hosts adore.
4. Our Master-silent yet,
Thou teachest from thy chair;
"Shun that on which thy flesh is set;
What flesh abhorreth, bear."
Chaste be our love like thine,
Our swelling souls bring low,
And in our hearts, O Babe divine,
Be born, abide, and grow.
5. So shall thy Birth-day morn,
Lord Christ, our birth-day be:
Then greet we all, ourselves new-born,
Our King's Nativity.
Borne at a Virgin's breast,
Jesu, be praise to thee,
With Sire and Holy Spirit blest,
Through all eternity. Amen.