1. Let us duly keep the feast
Sweetest hymns outpouring;
Jesus, Lord of Heaven, to day
Joyfully adorning.
2. For by these solemnities
All things new are glowing,
They upon the human race
Are rewards bestowing.
3. Out of darkness comes the Child,
Light all light excelling,
On the eighth day circumcised,
As this day is telling.
4. These things did the Fathers old
Shew forth, prophesying
How the Flesh of God today
'Neath the knife is lying.
5. Circumcision this eighty day
Joyfully declareth
Under figures, how mankind
In salvation shareth.
6. Therefore we must circumcise
Not our flesh, but gaining
Victory over self, cut off
Sins our conscience staining.
7. That our carnal mind o'ercome,
For the guerdon sighing,
On the eighth day we may win
Heavenly Joy undying.