Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowell,
This sayd the aungell Gabryell.
1. Lordes and ladyes all by dene,
For your goodnes and honour
I wyll you synge all of a quene,
Of all women she is the floure. [Chorus]
2. Of Jesse there sprange a wyght,
Isay sayd by prophesy,
Of whome shall com a man of myght,
From dethe to lyfe he wyll vs bye. [Chorus]
3. There cam an aungell bryght of face,
Flyenge from heuen with full gret lyght,
And sayd, Hayle! Mary, full of grace,
For thou shalt bere a man of myght. [Chorus]
4. Astonyd was that lady free,
And had meruayle of that gretynge,
Aungell, she sayd, how may that be,
For neuer of man I had knowynge? [Chorus]
5. Drede the nothynge, Mary mylde,
Thou art fulfylled with great vertew,
Thou shall conceyue and bere a chylde,
That shall be named swete Jesu. [Chorus]
6. She knelyd downe vpon her knee,
As thou haste sayd, so may it be,
With hert, thought, and mylde chere,
Goddes handmayd I am here. [Chorus]
7. Than began her wombe to sprynge,
She went with chylde without man,
He that is lorde ouer all thynge,
His flesshe and blode of her had than. [Chorus]
8. Of her was bourne our heuen kynge,
And she a mayden neuer the lesse,
Therfore be mery, and let vs synge,
For this new lorde of Chrystmas. [Chorus]