To encrease our ioy and blysse,
Christus natus est nobis
Make we mery in hall and boure
And this gloryous lady honor we
That to vs hath borne our sauyour
Home sine femine
To encrease. etc.
For as the sonne that shyneth bryght
Perceth no glas that we may se
So conceyued she Jesu full of myght
Cum virginitatis honore
To encrease. etc.
Isay prophecyed longe beforne
How this Emanuel borne sholde be
To saue his people that were forlorne
Dux exurget regere
We were all in great dystresse
Tyll this lorde dyd make vs free
Wherof this feste beryth wytnes
Uenit nos redimere
To encrease. etc.
A token of loue he fyrst now shewed
That he on vs wolde haue pytye
Whan he for vs was crucyfed
Ut declaratur hodie.
To encrease. etc.
Most gloryous lady we the pray
That bereth the crowne of chastyte
Brynge vs to the blysse that lasteth aye
Feliciter congaudere
To encrease. etc.