L. Make wide the door, unbar the gate!
The King of Glory comes in state,
His banner o'er the earth unfurled
He is the Savior of the world.
2. He comes to earth in righteousness,
All men with peace and joy to bless
In kindness is His purpose shown;
He reigns in mercy o'er His own.
3. He heralds forth a gracious day,
And takes our sin and guilt away;
And hence from longing hearts shall sound
A hymn of praise the world around.
4. O well for ev'ry hearth and home,
Where Jesus rears His kingly dome!
O well for ev'ry heart and mind,
Where Christ as King. may entrance find.
5. For then a heavenly joy will greet
Our souls from God's own mercy-seat;
In Him, the Son of God, is light
That makes our deepest darkness bright.
6. Make Wide the door, remove all bars;
Give room to Him who rules the stars~
For then the King of Glory will
The wondrous work of God fulfill.
7. My heart I open now to Thee;
Come, Jesus, and abide with me;
And in. Thy mercy make it so,
That I Thy depths of love may know.
8. O let Thy Spirit more and more,
From day to day make wide the door,
That Christ alone our King' may be,
And Savior through eternity!