Now sing we with joy and bliss:
Puer natus est nobis.
1. Mary, flower of flowers all,
Hath born a child in an ox-stall,
That Lord and Prince is over us all;
Puer natus est nobis.
2. He was born on our lady,
Without sin of her body,
Godes own true Son truly;
Puer natus est nobis.
3. By an apple of a tree,
Bondmen all made were we,
That Child was born to make us free;
Puer natus est nobis.
4. That Child was done on the Rood,
With His flesh and with His blood,
For our help and for our good;
Puer natus est nobis.
5. The third day He rose and to heaven went,
Wit and wisdom He us sent,
For to keep His commandment;
Puer natus est nobis.
6. He shall come down at Doomesday,
With bloody woundes, I you say,
As He died on Good Friday;
Puer natus est nobis.
7. Now pray we to that heaven(ly) King,
To send us all His dear blessing,
Shrift and housel at our ending.
Puer natus est nobis.