Jesu Christe fili dei viui mise (damaged)
bis. Alleluya.
Moost souerayn lorde Chryste
Born of a mayd ye euer was true
With grace and goodnesse yu vs endue
That now singeth this. Misere nobis.
Jesu christe fili dei viui. Etc.
Lorde of mercy by propre condycion
That of mankynd made the redemption
Graunt vs now this petycion
That now syngeth this. Misere nobis.
Jesu christe fili dei viui.
Jesu preserue vs, and be our spede
With grace to socour vs at our nede
To do thy pleasure in worde an dede
That now singeth this. Misere nobis.
Jesu christe etc.
Punysh not synners by thy myght
But with mercy medled with ryght
So that we may lyue in thy syght
That now syngeth this. Misere nobis.
Jesu christe fili dei viui. etc.
(damage) od graunt vs repentaunce
(damage) d space for to do penaunce
And good lyfe to haue contynuaunce
That now syng this. Misere nobis.