My harte of golde as true as stele.
As I me lened to a bough
In fayth but yf ye loue my well
Lorde so Robyn lough
My lady went to Caunterbury
The saynt to be her bothe
She met with cate of Malmesbery
Why shepyst thou in an apple rote
My hart. etc.
Nyne myle to Mychelmas
Our dame began to brew
Mychell set his mare to gras
Lord so fast it snew
My hart. etc.
For you loue I brake my glasse
Pour gowne is furred with blew
The deuyll is dede: for there I was
I wys it is full trew
My hart. etc.
And yf ye slepe, the cocke wyll crow
True hart thynke what I say
Jack napes wyll make a mow
Loke who dare say hym nay
My hart. etc.
I pray you haue me now in mynde
I tell you of the mater
He blew his horne agaynst the wynde
The crow gothe to the water
My hart. etc.
Yet I tell you mekyll more
The cat lyeth in the cradell
I pray you kepe true hart in store
A peny for a ladell
My hart. etc.
I swere by faynt Katheryn of kent
The gose gothe to the grene
All our dogges tayle is brent
It is not as I wene
My hart. etc.
Tyrlery lorpyn the lauerocke songe
So meryly pypes the sparow
The cow brake lose, the rope ran home
Syr god gyue yow good morow
My hart. etc.