1. 'Neath the stars that shone so bright
Shepherds watch'd their flocks by night
Suddenly, in glorious guide,
Came an angel from the skies,
Stood beside them, did not chide them,
Told the tidings glad and free,
"Christ Incarnate deigns to be."
2. Born this day of David's line
Now behold the Babe Divine;
Rude the rainment that enfolds Him,
Rough the manger-bed that holds Him;
Lord all holy, laid so lowly,
Who from highest realm of heaven
Stoops that man may be forgiven.
3. May we all with heart and voice
Still in Bethlehem rejoice;
Thither by the bright star led
To the House of Living Bread;
Chant the story of His glory
Till His Majesty we see
At His last Epiphany.