1. This may I prove withouten let:
When Gabriel our lady gret.
On his knee he him set
So mildly:
"Thou shalt conceive this same day
Salvatorem mundi."
2. The star shone through Godes grace,
As Godes owne will it was;
The shepherds saw in that place
Angels two;
And them among they sang a song,
"Gloria in excelsis Deo!"
3. The Child was born upon Yule day,
As prophets to us could say;
His mother sang lullay, lullay
Into the east;
Therefore mankind withouten end
Sing, "Verbum caro factum est."
4. And then by tokening of a star,
Three kings there came from (a)far,
And offered frankincense and myrrh
To Christ so free;
Then they said with merry cheer,
"Mane nobiscum, Domine."
5. Therefore pray we every one
To the Bairn that time was born,
He save us all from shame and scorn,
In peace and rest;
And all mankind withouten end,
Sing, "Verbum caro factum est."