The Angel's Message
1. "From Heaven high, I come to you,
I bring you tidings good and new,
Good tidings of great joy I bring:
Thereof will I both say and sing:
2. "For you a little child is born
Of God's own chosen maid, this morn:
A fair and tender baby bright
To be your joy and your delight.
3. "Lo, he is Christ, the Lord indeed,
Our God, to guide you in your need:
And he will be your Savious, strong
To cleanse you from all sin and wrong."
Our Response
4. Now let us all right merry be,
And, with the shepherds, go t see
God's own dear Son, within the stall;
His gift, bestowed upon us all.
5. Mark well, my heart; look well, mine eyes;
Who is it in the manger lies:
What child is this, so young and fair?
It is my Jesus lieth there.
6. Ah, dearest Jesus, be my guest:
Soft be the bed where thou wilt rest,
A little shrine within my heart,
That thou and I may never part.
May be sung after Part 1 or Part 2
7. Praise God above on his high throne,
Who giveth us his only Son.
The angel hosts rejoice in bliss
To chant a glad New Year like this. Amen.