Now ys wele and all thyne aryot
And Cryst ys come as a trew knyght;
For owr broder ys kyng of my3t,
The fend to fleme and all hys;
Thus the feend ys put to fly3t,
And all his boost abatyd ys.
Sythyn yt is we wele we do,
For ther ys non but one of two,
Hevyn to gete or hevyn for-go,
Oder men non ther ys;
I counsayll 3ow, syn yt ys so,
that 3w wyll do to wyn 3ow blys.
Now ys well and allys wele,
And ry3t wele so have I blys;
And sythyn all thyng ys so well,
I red we do no more amys.