1. O blessed, blessed be the Lord and King,
The God of God, Who veils His face on high;
O blessed, blessed Let His people sing,
For He hath brought to man redemption nigh:
O blessed be the God of Israel
The Word made flesh, our own Emmanuel.
2. O blessed ever be the Light of Light,
Begotten ere the everlasting years,
Ere angel-wing first fann'd the air in flight,
Or rolled in tune along unnumbered spheres.
Oh blest be He Who deigns with man to dwell,
God in our flesh enveiled -- Emmanuel.
3. Oh! blest art Thou, Who stoop'dst from heaven down
And sorrowing, for man's redemption trod
The earth in pain, then twined Thine earthly crown,
Man's crown of sorrows -- with the crown of God.
While angels round Thy throne Thy triumph tell,
We hymn Thee throned in Love -- Emmanuel.
4. O blest art Thou, True God of Godhead sprung,
And blest art Thou, true Man of Mary blest;
Thou veiled God, this veil hath round Thee flung,
Lord of the Banquet, and the soul's sole Guest,
In lowliest guide -- Who dost all powers excel,
Blessing and blest, Thou com'st Emmanuel.