Pray for vs to god on hye
Blyssed saynt Johan and our lady.
O Blessyd Johan the euangelyst
Ryght dere beloued of Jesu cryst
The preuyte of heuen in erthe thou wyst
As touchynge to the trynyte.
That prynce that is withouten pere
To Johan he toke his mode dere
All whyle she? lyued in erthe here
That vyrgyns were bothe he and she.
This noble Johan that we of rede
Informed vs of Chrystes dede
The whyle that he on erthe yede
In his gospell so fynde we.
Whan Chryst on crosse hanged so hy
He sayd vnto his moder Mary
Lo there thy sone standynge the by
And se thy moder Johan sayd he
Nowe pray we to this saynt echone
For vs to pray to god introne
Out of this syfe whan we shall gone
To se hym in his mayeste