1. O dear little children, O come one and all,
Draw near to the crib, here in Bethlehem's stall
And see what a bright ray of heaven's delight
Our Father has sent on this thrice holy night.
2. O see in the crib low concealing His might,
See here by the rays of the clear shining light,
In cleanliest swaddle the Heavenly Child
More beauteous than legions of hosts undefiled.
3. He lies there, O children, on hay and on straw,
Dear Mary and Joseph regard Him with awe,
The shepherds, adoring, bow humbly in prayer,
Angelic choirs with song rend the air.
4. O children bend low and adore Him today,
O lift up your hands like the shepherds, and pray
Sing joyfully, children, with hearts full of love
In jubilant song join the angels above.