1. O Jesu, sweet child, O Jesus so mild
The Father's will thou hast fulfilled
Thou cam'st from heaven for our sake
Our human flesh on thee to take
O Jesu, sweet child, O Jesu so mild
2. O Jesu, sweet child, O Jesu so mild
The world with gladness thou hast filled
Thou cam'st to earth from heaven's height
With comfort in our bitter plight
O Jesu, sweet child, O Jesu so mild
3. O Jesu, sweet child, O Jesu so mild
Love's image, thou, all undefiled
Inflame our hearts with love's sweet fire
That love of thee be our desire
O Jesu, sweet child, O Jesu so mild
4. O Jesu, sweet child, O Jesu so mild
Help us to do as thou hast willed
For all we have is thine alone
O guide us, keep us for thine own
O Jesu, sweet child, O Jesu so mild