1. O lowly, sacred stable,
Where light Divine is shed;
O humble little Manger,
Where rests that Infant Head.
Teach us thy old, old story,
How Jesus Christ was born,
How angels sang their carols
Upon that Christmas morn.
2. O little Star, out shining
All worlds in splendour bright,
O little Star, revealing
Where rests Incarnate Light,
Now lead me to my Child King
Encradled here on earth,
The Maker, Monarch, Saviour,
The King of Heavenly Birth.
3. O blessed Babe of Mary,
We worship Thee our King.
O Deity, Incarnate,
To Thee our praise we sing.
Accept our heart's devotion,
Receive our homage due,
Bestow on us Thy blessing,
Create our hearts anew.