1. O Saviour, rent the heav'ns in twain;
Descend, descend from thy domain:
Burst lock and latchet of the bowers
Of thine eternal princely towers.
2. Drop down, O God, from heav'n as dew,
In show'rs, O Saviour, Lord Jesu:
Thou welkin, break; rain, rain, and bring
To Jacob house the promised King.
3. O earth, earth, earth, bud forth anew:
Deck dale and down with verdant hue:
Bring beauteous Blossom to the birth;
O Saviour, upward spring from earth.
4. Why stay'st thou, comfort of our race,
On whom our every hope we place?
Draw nigh from thy celestial spheres,
To glad us in this vale of tears.
5. O shining Sun, O Morn-star bright,
We should behold thee with delight:
Clear Orb, arise; without thy rays
In darkness all we pass our days.
6. Here suffer we in doleful wife;
Death, endless death, afore our eyes:
But come lead thou with mighty hand
Us exiles to our native land.