Te deum Laudamus
Te dominum confitemur
Of mary a mayde with-owt lesyng
This day was borne a worthy kyng
Therfor with Ioy now lett vs syng
Te deum Laudamus
Of Iessis rote ther sprang a flowr
That is moste swetist in odure
Syng we to hym with great honour
Te deum Laudamus
On Christmas day that child borne was
Man to redeme for owr trespase
Therfor syng we both more & lesse
Te deum Laudamus
On good fryday that childe wold dy
Ffor owr trespace & owr folye
Syng we to hym that sittith on hy
Te deum Laudamus
On the third day he rose fulle ryght
And harrowed hell by his great myght
Sing we to hym bothe day & nyght
Te deum Laudamus
The gatis of heuyn they oponed abrode
By the vertue of that blyssid lord
Syng we to hym with one accord
Te deum Laudamus
Pray we all to that lord of grace
That we may cume in-to that place
To syng with Ioy before his face
Te deum Laudamus