1. Oh, how joyfully, Oh, how merrily,
Christmas comes with its grace divine!
Grace again is beaming, Christ the world redeeming,
Hail, ye Christians, hail the joyous Christmas time.
2. Day of holiness, Peace and happiness.
Joyful, glorious Christmas Day
Angels tell the story, Of this day of glory;
Praise Christ our Savior, Born this Christmas Day.
3. Oh, how joyfully, Oh, how merrily,
Christmas comes with its peace divine!
Peace on earth is reigning, Christ our peace regaining,
Hail, ye Christians, hail the joyous Christmas time!
4. Oh, how joyfully, Oh, how merrily,
Christmas comes with its life divine!
Angels high in glory, Chant the Christmas story:
Hail, ye Christians, hail the joyous Christmas time!