1. Oh, who would be a shepherd boy,
And mind a flock of sheep,
While other men and boys enjoy
A quiet night of sleep.
2. Yes, who would choose to pass the night
In darkness and in cold?
Or hear the cry without a fright:
The wolf is in the fold?
3. Now then there came a shining one,
An angel of the Lord;
With news of God's eternal Son,
By heavenly hosts adored.
4. 'The news,' said he, 'should make your glad,
And fill your heart with joy;
You'll find Him in a manger laid,
A mother's Baby Boy.'
5. Then many more were heard to raise
A cheerful hymn of mirth:
'To God in heaven be endless praise;
And peace to men on earth.'
6. The shepherds' heart were comforted
By what was told to them.
And after what we've heard, they said,
Let's go to Bethlehem.