1. On the Birthday of the Lord
Angels joy in glad accord,
And they sing in sweetest tone
Glory be to God alone,
Glory be to God alone.
God is born of maiden fair,
Mary doth the Saviour bear;
Mary over pure, Mary over pure.
2. These good news an Angel told
To the shepherds by their fold,
Told them of the Saviour's Birth,
Told them of the joy for earth.
Told them of the joy for earth. [Chorus]
3. Born is now Emmanuel,
He, announced by Gabriel,
He, Whom Prophets old attest,
Cometh from His Father's Breast.
Cometh from His Father's Breast. [Chorus]
4. Born today is Christ the child,
Born of Mary undefiled,
Born the King and Lord we own;
Glory by to God alone.
Glory by to God alone. [Chorus]