1. On this night, most holy, in circumstance lowly,
Unfolded the story which prophets foretold.
Though heav'ns could not hold Him, Mary's arms enfold Him,
Holding to her bosom this Child Who is God!
The virgin is nursing this wondrous infant King-
The Word that was made flesh to end our despair.
While angels adore Him, shepherds kneel before Him
And kings from the east follow after His star.
2. To Bethlehem hasten! See Jesus awaken!
The stable is glowing with this Light of lights!
Come hear the great story of God's crowning glory:
The Savior Incarnate-God with us unites.
Now church bells are ringing and Christians are singing
While off'ring their gifts in devotion and love.
Your people are waiting and anticipating
The day You return from the heavens above.