1. Once o'er the fields of Bethlehem
Rang out a glory song;
The hills that heard it sung to them
Re-echoed it along;
That wondrous sound, that psalm of praise,
Good tidings ever blest,
For ever more the echoes raise,
O Christus natus est,
O Christus natus est,
O Christus natus, natus est.
2. Abiding in their fields by night,
The watchful Shepherds stayed;
About them shone the glory light
And they were sore afraid.
Till peace on earth the angels sang,
And God's good will confessed;
While loud the heav'nly [Chorus] rang, [Chorus]
3. The shepherds rise in haste to go
To see the wondrous child;
They find Him in a manger low,
With Mary, mother mild.
Within that lowly cradle then
They left the Babe at rest;
And praising God they sang again, [Chorus]
4. Now unto us, who watch by night,
Come down, bright angel throng!
Shine over us, glad glory light,
And sound, sweet seraph song!
We'll seek the holy Child again ,
The Babe for ever blest,
And sing good will and peace to men: [Chorus]