1. Ring out, ye throbbing stars of night!
Fill all the world with rhythmic light
For which men long have waited;
For which men long have waited!
Repeat the joyous song that roll'd
From Heavens eternal depths of old
When earth was first created,
When earth was first created!
Together sing!
For God doth bring
Jesus, the everlasting Lord,
To be by all His works adored.
2. Break forth in praise, angelic throngs!
Spread Bethlehem's plains with sweetest songs,
A cloud of uttered glory.
Enfold therein the shepherds meek
And those who fadeless pastures seek,
Described in prophet's story.
Adore your King!
For God doth bring
Emmanuel the Holy Child
By whom the world is reconciled.
3. Rejoice, ye waiting Jews devout!
Let your victorious faith ring out
In swelling Benedictus!
The night of watching now is past,
Redemption's day has come at last,
No more can fear afflict us!
Let trumpets ring
For God doth bring
The promised heir of David's throne,
Whose kingdom all the earth shall own!
4. Lift up, ye Gentiles, from afar
Your voice of triumph to the star
On Sion's forehead flaming.
For lo! It burns with heavenly fire,
Of cherished dreams and vague desire
Fulfillment now proclaiming!
Let p-ans ring
For God doth bring
The King all nations longed to find!
The Light and Lender of mankind!
5. Hark! How the bells together chime!
All ringing in the Golden time
The age of love and glory;
The choirs of Heaven and those of earth
Unite, O Christ! To hail Thy birth,
All worlds as one adore Thee.
One anthem rolls
From ransomed souls,
From nature and each living thing,
To Thee, incarnate Son and King!