1. Ring, ring the bells, the joyful bells!
This merry Christmas morn,
Their sweet melodious music tells
The day when Christ was born.
They sweetly sound o'er vale and glen;
Hark! how their music swells
With "Peace on earth, good will to men!"
O merry Christmas bells!
Ring, ring the bells, the Christmas bells,
The merry, merry Christmas bells!
2. Ring, ring the bells, the Christmas bells!
For in their joyous chime
Once more on earth the [Chorus] swells
Of angel-song sublime.
The sweet old story, ever new,
Falls on the heart again,
Refreshing as the early dew,
Or soft as summer rain. [Refrain]
3. Ring, ring the bells, the Christmas bells!
Prophetic of the day
When He of whom their ringing tells
Shall all the nations sway.
Shall bless and rule and fill each heart,
Shall bid all sorrows cease,
And give His own the better part
Of everlasting peace. [Refrain]