1. Ring the bells, the Christmas bells;
Chime out the wondrous story;
First in song on Angel tongues
It came from realms of glory;
Peace on earth, good-will to men,
Angelic voices ringing
Christ the Lord to earth has come,
His glorious message bringing.
Ring the merry Christmas bells;
Chime out the wondrous story;
Glory be to God on high,
For evermore be glory.
2. Wise men hastened from the East
To bring their richest treasure
Gold, and myrrh, and frankincense
And jewels without measure.
Him they sought, although a King,
They found in birthplace lowly,
There within a manger lay
The Babe so pure and holy. [Chorus]
3. Earthly crowns were not for Him;
He came God's love revealing;
On the Cross He died for us,
His blood forgiveness sealing.
'Tis the Saviour promised long,
Ring out your loudest praises;
Every heart this happy day
Its grateful anthems raises. [Chorus]