1. Saints! the glorious Mother greeting,
Keep the feast in glad array;
And with glowing hearts entreating
For the grace devoutly pray,
Which Elizabeth, in meeting
With her cousin, found to-day.
2. Fruitful parent! she that seeming
Childless and age-stricken one
Visits, who in secret teeming
With her own prophetic son
Greets her; for in our redeeming
Is their fellowship begun.
3. Lo! that Voice, yet mute, exulteth
As the Mighty Word draws nigh;
And Elizabeth confesseth
All that matron's dignity
Whom she passing blest declareth
In her Fruit eternally.
4. "What can this congratulation,"
Meek she asks, "forbode to me?
What this gracious salutation
Of the King's own Mother be?
And the unwonted exultation
Of mine unborn progeny?"
5. Then the Virgin so commended
Uttered forth a song of praise;
And her psalm of triumph changed
For the love of this sweet grace,
So herself pronouncing blessed
Thenceforth to the end of days.
6. Triune God! Supreme and gracious,
Everlasting is Thy reign;
Grand the Virgin's intercession
May for us Thy help obtain;
That when this brief life is ended
Life eternal we may gain!