1. See Seraphic throngs descending
Swift toward the nether earth.
Hymns sublime their ways attending
Hark! they sing the Saviour's birth,
Round the globe let ev'ry creature
Now commemorate this morn,
When the Lord in human nature,
Was a helpless Infant born.
When the Lord in human nature,
Was a helpless Infant born.
2. 'Twas for us He left the grandeur
Of the Heaven of heavens above:
Well might angels, still in wonder,
Celebrate His boundless love!
Hark, th' Eternal worlds resounding
Loud with sweet seraphic strains;
Millions now the throne surrounding
Praise Him on th' eternal plains.
3. Jesus now our hearts inspiring,
Tune our harps to melody:
With Thy love our bosoms firing,
O unite us Lord to Thee!
In the bright celestial regions,
When life's changing scenes are o'er,
May we with angelic legions
Praise Thee on the heav'nly shore!