Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing,
Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is King!
1. Zion, the marvelous story be telling,
The Son of the Highest, how lowly His birth!
The brightest archangel in glory excelling,
He stoops to redeem thee, He reigns upon earth. [Refrain]
2. Tell how He cometh; from nation to nation
The heart cheering news let the earth echo round;
How free to the faithful He offers salvation,
His people with joy everlasting are crowned. [Refrain]
3. Mortals, your homage be gratefully bringing,
And sweet let the gladsome hosannas arise;
Ye angels, the full alleluias3 be singing;
One [Chorus] resound through the earth and the skies.
Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing,
Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is King!
Messiah is King! Messiah is King!