1. Silent night! hallow'd night!
Earth is hushed, Heav'n a-light!
Angels throng the starlit air,
Whisp'ring round the Child so fair:
"Sleep, sleep, O Baby King!
Sleep," they softly sing.
2. All is still, Jesus sleeps;
Holy watch Joseph keeps;
Mary bends His Face to see,
Murm'ring low her lullaby;
"Sleep, sleep, my Babe Divine!
Sleep, God's Son and mine!"
3. Blissful night, prophesied;
Angel-Hosts glorified,
Wondrous news to shepherds tell!
Heavenly harps their [Chorus] swell!
"Peace!" a Seraph sings,
"Peace the Saviour brings."
4. Gather round, people dear!
Young and old, gather near!
Though are closed those Eyes so sweet,
Lo! His Heart doth watchful beat;
Sleep then, Jesus dear!
Sleep, my heart doth hear!