Anointed One, Messiah, Lord
Savior, Christ, Good News, Great Joy
Eternal God, now dwelling with man
The Baby of Bethlehem, the Baby of Bethlehem
Immanuel, the Holy Son
Shepherd, Ruler, Mighty One
Descended to Earth, according to plan
The Baby of Bethlehem, the Baby of Bethlehem
With angels we sing Your glory
With shepherds we give God praise
With wisemen we come before You
To worship You all our days !
The Word, now flesh, in Him is life
One and Only, shining Light
Full grace and truth, we now understand
The Baby of Bethlehem, the Baby of Bethlehem
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
Wonderful Couns'lor, King of Kings
No end there will be to Your increase
The Baby of Bethlehem, the Baby of Bethlehem
Alpha and Omega, Master and Friend
All in all, Forgiver of sin
Creator, Designer, Beginning and End
The Baby of Bethlehem, the Baby of Bethlehem
All glory, honor, blessing and strength
Wisdom, power, mercy and grace
Past, present and future contained in His hands
The Baby of Bethlehem, the Baby of Bethlehem
The Baby of Bethlehem