1. The Christmas bells are ringing
Peals of joy and gladness;
Their merry chime
At Noel time
Doth banish sadness
The simple and the gentle
Unite, the strain to raise,
Of hymn and joyous carol,
The new-born Christ to praise.
2. The bells they seem to utter, -
Ring away all malice,
And each base part
From every heart
In hut or palace!
And love ye all as brethren;
For Christ from Satan's thrall
Was born today to save you,
And breath good-will to all!
3. The Christmas bells are ringing
Gaily in the steeple; -
For Christ's dear sake,
To prayer awake
All Christian people!
And joyfully your off'ring
To God's fair Alter bring,
And there the Love Eternal
Of Christ your Saviour sing.