1. The storke she rose on Christmas eve,
And sayde unto her broode,
I now must fare to Bethlehem
To view the Sonne of God.
2. She gave to each his dole of mete
She stowed them farely in,
And far she flew and fast she flew
And came to Bethlehem.
3. And where is he of Davids line?
She asked at house and hall.
He is not here, they spoke hardly,
But in a manger stall.
4. She found Him in manger stalle
With that most holy Mayde,
The gentle storke she wept to see
The Lord so rudely laid.
5. Then from her panting breast she plucked
The feathers white and warm,
She strewed them in the manger bed
To keep the Lord from harm.
6. "Now blessed be the gentle stork
For evermore", quoth He
"for that she saw my sadde estate,
and showed me such pity."
7. "full welcome shall she ever be
In hamlet and in halle,
And called henceforth the 'blessed bird'
And friend of babies all".