I may synge of a may of joyis fyve and inthis most.
the ferste joye as i zu telle
Wt mary met seynt Gab'elle
Heyl mary i grete the welle,
wt fadr and sone and holy gost.
the secnde joye b in good fay
Was on crystemesse day,
Born he was of a may,
wt fadr and sone and holy gost.
the thredde joye, wtoutÿ stryf,
tht blyssful berthe was ful ryf,
Qn he ros fro ded to lyf,
wt fadr and sone and holy gost.
the forte joye wt out in good fay,
Was upon halewÿ thursda,
He stey to hevene in ryche aray,
wt fadr and sone and holy gost.
the fyfte joye wt outÿ dene,
In hevene he crownyd his modr clene,
tht was wol wil the eyr a sene,
wt fadr and sone and holy gost.