Te deum Laudamus
Te dominum confitemur
The ffather of heuyn from a-boue
Hathe sent his son to owr behoue
Whom all erthe is bownde to loue
Te deum Laudamus
Bothe heuyn & erthe in there degre
Angelles with heuynly poteste
With all ther my3th they syng to the
Te deum Laudamus
The Cherubyns cry Incessantly
And the seraphyns with voyce on hye
Euermore holy holy holy
Te deum Laudamus
O Lorde god Sabaothe so swete
Heuyn & erthe bothe be replete
Withe thi powre in euery sete
Te deum Laudamus
Appostles profettes & martirs bright
Thi holy name praysyng both day & nyght
To the thei syng as it is right
Te deum Laudamus
All holy churche with armony
Tunably sett dothe magnyfy
Thy holy name Incessantly
Te deum Laudamus
Thu arte the ffather moste of myght
Thy son Iesus truly be hight
The holy gost shynyng full bright
Te deum Laudamus
Thu arte the son of great gladnes
Thy father son by thy mekenes
Vs to redeme to owre lyknes
Te deum Laudamus
Ffor thi giftes many-a-folde
Benyng to thy seruauntes both yong & olde
To syng to the we be beholde
Te deum Laudamus
Iesus vs saue owr comely kyng
Ffrom the fendes both old & yong
Eternally that we may syng
Te deum Laudamus