1. The great God of Heaven is come down to earth,
His Mother a Virgin, and sinless His Birth;
The Father eternal His Father alone:
He sleeps in the manger; He reigns on the Throne.
Then let us adore Him,
And praise His great love,
To save us poor sinners
He came from above.
2. A Babe on the breast of a maiden he lies,
Yet sits with the Father on high in the skies;
Before Him their faces the Seraphim hide,
While Joseph stands waiting, unscared, by His side. [Chorus]
3. Lo here is Immanuel, here is the Child,
The Son that was promised to Mary so mild;
Whose power and dominion shall ever increase,
The Prince that shall ruin o'er a kingdom of peace. [Chorus]
4. The wonderful Counsellor, boundless in might,
The Father's own Image, the Beam of His Light;
Behold Him now wearing the likeness of man,
Weak, helpless, and speechless, in measure a span. [Chorus]
5. Oh l wonder of wonders, which none can unfold;
The Ancient of days is an hour or two old;
The Maker of all things is made of the earth,
Man is worshipped by angels, and God comes to birth. [Chorus]
6. The Word in the bliss of the Godhead remains,
Yet in flesh comes to suffer the keenest of pains;
He is that He was, and for ever shall be,
But becomes that He was not, for you and for me. [Chorus]