1. Oh, Joseph, Jesus and Mary
Were traveling for the west,
When Mary grew a-tired
(When Mary grew a-weary)
She might sit down and rest.
2. They traveled further and further,
The weather being so warm,
Till they came unto some husbandman
A-sowing of his corn.
3. "Come husbandman!" cried Jesus,
"From over speed and pride,
(cast all your seed away)
And carry home your ripened corn
(And carry home as ripened corn)
That you've been sowing this day.
(What you have sowed this day.)"
4. For to keep your wife and family
From sorrow, grief and pain,
And keep Christ in your remembrance
Till the time comes round again!'
5. "To keep your wife and family
From sorrow, grief, and pain,
And keep[ Christ in remembrance
Till seed-time comes again."