1. The Saviour comes! Sing praise to Him,
The God proclaimed by seraphim
"Thrice Holy! in their praises,
Thou comest, God's Eternal Son,
Descending from Thy heav'nly throne,
Whose grace to glory raises.
May we By Thee
Find deliv'ry From our slavery,
And, in glory,
Sing of grace the wondrous story!
2. We welcome Thee, great Prince of peace,
Through Whom from sin we hope release, -
Welcome to earthly dwelling!
Thou takest on Thee flesh and blood,
Becomest man to work our good,
Thy heart with pity swelling.
And now Art Thou
Mercy reaching, Kindly teaching
To transgressors,
How of grace to come possessors.
3. Thou bringest comfort from distress,
Life, health, enduring happiness; -
To Thee be praise forever!
What, dearest Saviour, can we bring?
How render Thee fit offering?
Thou, by Thy matchless favor,
To men In sin
Helpless lying, Near to dying
Op'nest heaven;
Greater boon was never given!
4. We bring a grateful heart to Thee,
For sin aggriev'd, from feigning free,
And in Thy service ready:
To Thee, and to our neighbor true,
Where'er Thou leadest would pursue,
With purpose ever steady.
Jesus, To us,
Make Thy pleasure Duty's measure;
All who cherish
Not Thy love, by wrath must perish.
5. May we for endless glory strive, -
By faith upon Thy promise live, -
Our hopes still upward rising;
In sorrows look to Thee above,
Abiding ever in Thy love,
Earth's vanities despising;
Till we To Thee
Sing the praises Heaven raises,
And, before Thee,
With the ransom'd throng adore Thee.