Once upon a long ago
Very far away,
In the town of Bethlehem
Lying in some hay,
Jesus came for you and me
Bringing heaven's love
As a gift for us to have
From the Lord above.
In the town of Myra once
Also long ago,
Lived good Bishop Nicholas
Hair as white as snow.
Nicholas loved Jesus who
Loved and helped us all.
"I will do the same," said he,
"Helping great and small."
Thankful Bishop Nicholas
Friendly, good, and wise;
When he could he helped the poor
Always by surprise.
Rich people came to Nicholas
Bringing wealth to share
So it could be sent to those
Living in despair.
We should be like Nicholas
Thankful, good, and kind,
Loving those who need our help
All the ones we find.
Jesus and St. Nicholas
Taught us how to give:
Share but never seek rewards,
That is how to live!