1. The Word, with God the Father One
Before the heavens and earth were made,
Is now the Virgin's new-born Son,
Upon her lowly bosom laid.
2. Already o'er His sinless Head
The streams of wrath begin to flow;
Already on His infant bed
The taste of grief He deigns to know.
3. The lowliest poverty He bears
That we may be with wealth supplied;
He weeps: O precious grief and tears!
Through Him the world is purified.
4. An humble dress, a mean abode,
A life obscure His glory hide:
Proud man, behold thy lowly God,
And let the fight destroy thy pride.
5. Jesu, Who camest from on high
To be the Lamb for sinners slain,
Leave not Thy ransomed flock to die,
Nor let Thy toil be spent in vain.
6. Jesu, the Virgin-born, to Thee
Eternal praise and glory be;
Whom with the Father we adore,
And Holy Ghost, for evermore. Amen.